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All sessions are custom-made to fit the individual’s needs and goals.

Before the first meeting, we will schedule a phone call to talk about how our work together can be beneficial. In addition, a questionnaire will be send to be returned prior to the appointment. This process provides greater clarity to ensure that we can best prepare and the greatest work can be accomplished when we meet in person.

Here are some common topics that we can help with:

Moving beyond fears and phobias

Handling stressful situations with more ease

Learn to respond instead of reacting

Let go of bad memories

Feel at home and confident in your own body

Find and develop your voice

Become authentic by choice   

Increase your mental capabilities and strength

Sleep well

Improve your relationships

Please note, I am not a therapist nor doctor, therefore none of the work will involve diagnosis nor therapy. All work is based on coaching, guiding, and teaching.